Tree Information
Common Name: flowering dogwood
Scientific Name: Cornus florida
Native/Naturalized: Native to Virginia
Database ID: 1028
Status: alive
National Champion: no
Virginia Champion: yes
Circumference: 100 in.
Height: 31 ft.
Crown: 52 ft.
Points: 144
Date Last Measured: 2016
Last Measured by: Alex Cassell, Eric Wiseman
Date First Measured: 2006
Comments: The tree is in good condition. A beautiful flowering pink dogwood. In front of the old South Hill Elementary School. Trunk was measured at narrowest girth above ground line below forked trunk, which is typical growth habit for the species in open landscapes. Originally nominated at 137 points.

Location of Tree
Tree is located in: Mecklenburg
Land Owner: Eddie Callahan
GPS Coordinates: 36.72639, -78.123938
Directions: Tree is on Franklin St. in South Hill, VA. From I-85 South take exit and turn right onto US-1 South. As you come into South Hill take a left on Franklin St. The tree is on the left in front of the old school.
Owner Phone: 434-917-1524
Contact Information
Contact Name: Robin Allen
Contact Email:
Contact Address: PO Box 746
South Hill, VA 23970
Contact Info: Another contact is Amy Honeycutt who works for a local paper and knows about the history of the tree.
Original Nominator(s): Robin Allen