Tree Information

Common Name: yellow birch

Scientific Name: Betula alleghaniensis

Native/Naturalized: Native to Virginia

Database ID: 1043

Status: alive

National Champion: no

Virginia Champion: yes

Circumference: 131 in.

Height: 90 ft.

Crown: 64 ft.

Points: 237

Date Last Measured: 2019

Last Measured by: Eric Wiseman and John Peterson

Date First Measured: 2007

2019 comments: Tree appears to be fairly healthy (observed in winter). The root plate and trunk are solid. There is a major leader in the upper extremity of the crown that has several large cavities. This leader will probably fail in the next decade, which would reduce the crown spread and perhaps jeopardize the tree's longevity. An impressive single-stemmed specimen. Numerous large yellow birch in this small valley, but none quite this size. Height was measured with laser on tripod from the road bed above. Measured by Charles Lytton and Jeff Kirwan in 2007. Substantial difference in crown spread measurement from 2007. May have been partly an error in previous measurement because no obvious signs of damage to the crown spread.

E. Wiseman 1/11/2019

Location of Tree

Tree is located in: Giles

State Map

Land Owner: Mountain Lake Conservancy

GPS Coordinates: 37.36856, -80.53722

Directions: Tree is located near the perennial stream called Pond Drain that travels to the north from Mountain Lake. Best access is to walk the forest road called White Pine Trail that departs from Mountain Lake Road, paralleling Pond Drain to the north-northeast. Walk the road 0.35 miles and the tree is visible off the right (east) side of the road down the embankment about 100 feet.

Owner Address: 115 Hotel Cir

Pembroke, VA 24136

Contact Information

Contact Name: Eric Wiseman

Contact Email:

Contact Phone: 540-231-5148


Original Nominator(s): Charles Lytton and Jeff Kirwan

Additional Information

I.D. Fact Sheet

Landowner Fact Sheet

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