Tree Information

Common Name: Japanese maple

Scientific Name: Acer palmatum

Native/Naturalized: Naturalized

Database ID: 1255

Status: alive

National Champion: no

Virginia Champion: yes

Circumference: 127 in.

Height: 52 ft.

Crown: 59 ft.

Points: 194

Date Last Measured: 2017

Last Measured by: Carol King, Shawn Dash, Daina Henry, Rand Milam, Rhonda Graves

Date First Measured: 2007

2017 comments: The crown is lopsided due to large evergreens on one side. Tree is somewhat encumbered by English and poison ivy. Otherwise tree seems to be healthy. Trunk measured at 15 inches above ground due to low vertical branches. We did verify that the trunk was continuous below that point.
2007 comments: The tree appears very healthy and sound. There is some English ivy at its base which could become troublesome.


Location of Tree

Tree is located in: City of Hampton

State Map

Land Owner: Hampton University

GPS Coordinates: 37.01318, -76.32675

Directions: Strawberry Banks; South end of Hampton and west of Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel (I-64). Old Strawberry Banks Motel and grounds now owned by Hampton University.

Contact Information

Contact Name: Carol King

Contact Email:

Contact Address: 45 Greenbriar Avenue

Hampton, VA 23661

Contact Phone: 757-327-0414


Original Nominator(s): Byron Carmean and Gary Williamson

Additional Information

I.D. Fact Sheet

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