Tree Information

Common Name: American hazel

Scientific Name: Corylus americana

Native/Naturalized: Native to Virginia

Database ID: 1306

Status: alive

National Champion: no

Virginia Champion: yes

Circumference: 10 in.

Height: 22 ft.

Crown: 27 ft.

Points: 39

Date Last Measured: 2017

Last Measured by: Greg Zell and Renee Grebe

Date First Measured: 2008

Comments: A large bunch of American Hazelnut growing in the woodlands of a civil war era historic park. Specimen was damaged by deer rubbing in 2007, but has been pruned and fenced since. The largest single stem in group was measured for score. No specific historical note attached to specimen. 2017: Tree is part of a large bunch growing on a hillside. The specimen is distinctly old age with some dead wood present within bunch. Dead wood was cleared before new measurement was taken. Tree girth was measured on largest of multiple stems within the bunch. Height and crown spread were taken of the entire bunch.


Location of Tree

Tree is located in: Arlington

State Map

Land Owner: Arlington County Department of Parks and Recreation

GPS Coordinates: 38.90228, -77.09071

Owner Email:

Directions: Tree is growing in C.F. Smith Park and Historical Site. Specimen is found in woods approximately 40' off dirt service road. Near C.F. Smith Park.

Owner Address: 2700 South Taylor St.

Arlington, VA 22206

Owner Phone: 703-228-6525

Contact Information

Contact Name: Arlington County Department of Parks and Recreation

Contact Email:

Contact Address: 2700 South Taylor St.

Arlington, VA 22206

Contact Phone: 703-228-6525

Contact Info: Measured in 2008 by Greg Zell.


Original Nominator(s): Greg Zell

Additional Information

I.D. Fact Sheet

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