Tree Information
Common Name: butternut
Scientific Name: Juglans cinerea
Native/Naturalized: Native to Virginia
Database ID: 1504
Status: alive
National Champion: no
Virginia Champion: yes
Circumference: 218 in.
Height: 65 ft.
Crown: 82 ft.
Points: 304
Date Last Measured: 2019
Last Measured by: Jason Sprouls, Eric Wiseman
Date First Measured: 2009
Comments: Beautiful open grown tree on a farm established in 1798 by the Cockerill family. Tree has sustained storm damage on several occasions over the years, resulting in an asymmetrical crown spread. Tree has two low sweeping scaffold branches. One is supported by a stone prop and the other has a support cable anchored back to one of the main leaders. There is considerable decay in the trunk where other large branches have failed in the past. Although healthy, thanks in part to occupying the septic drain field of the home, it is at heightened risk of structural failure due to decay and defects.
The trunk was measured at its smallest girth between the low branches and ground line, about 2' above the ground. Because of the crown asymmetry, 8 crown radius measurements were made from the dripline to the trunk at the cardinal and inter-cardinal positions around the perimeter of the dripline. The average of these measurements was doubled to find the crown diameter, minus the trunk diameter. The trunk diameter was then calculated from the trunk girth and added to the crown diameter to get a full average crown spread. Previously measured in 2009 by Dana Malone at 210", 57', 90', 290 points.
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Location of Tree
Tree is located in: Loudoun
Land Owner: James and Marilyn Roberts
GPS Coordinates: 39.051953, -77.702929
Owner Email: Private
Directions: Tree is located in the yard approx. 200' south of the residence. House is located approx. 1 mile south of North Fork near the end of Cockerill Road.
Owner Address: 20356 Cockerill Road
Purcellville, VA 20132
Owner Phone: Private
Contact Information
Contact Name: Eric Wiseman
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 540-231-5148
Original Nominator(s): Dana Malone