Tree Information
Common Name: silver maple
Scientific Name: Acer saccharinum
Native/Naturalized: Native to Virginia
Database ID: 156
Status: alive
National Champion: no
Virginia Champion: yes
Circumference: 287 in.
Height: 90 ft.
Crown: 106 ft.
Points: 404
Date Last Measured: 2012
Last Measured by: Landon Webb
Date First Measured: 1988
2021 update: This tree has been dethroned as national champion by another tree in Houston County, Minnesota.
2020 update: Declared national co-champion in 2020 with two other Virginia specimens, one in Bland county and the other in Fairfax county.
2012 update: The tree is not very healthy. It is multi-stemmed, but the centermost stem has died and is rotting out the heart.
2004 update: Measured by a student of Joe Murray, who at the time was a biology instructor at Blue Ridge Community College. Measurements were 89' (height), 102' (crown), 282" (trunk). He noted that trunk measurement had increased considerably from 1988 nomination and wondered if change in soil grade had affected measurement.
1988 nomination: Measured by Byron Carmean and Gary Williamson on Sept. 7, 1988. Measurements were 84' (height), 102' (crown), 259" (trunk). Noted that the tree was healthy and well cared for; it was growing in a tree well and was pruned the previous year. Owner of the property at that time was Arthur P. McMullen.

Location of Tree
Tree is located in: Bath
Land Owner: Private
GPS Coordinates: 37.976854, -79.844952
Directions: Front yard of residence at end of driveway near street.
Owner Address: Private
Owner Phone: Private
Contact Information
Contact Name: Eric Wiseman
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 540-231-5148
Original Nominator(s): Byron Carmean, Gary Williamson