Tree Information

Common Name: bigleaf magnolia

Scientific Name: Magnolia macrophylla

Native/Naturalized: Native to Virginia

Database ID: 1588

Status: dead

National Champion: no

Virginia Champion: no

Circumference: 56 in.

Height: 67 ft.

Crown: 35 ft.

Points: 132

Date Last Measured: 2014

Last Measured by: Robert Vickers

Date First Measured: 2009

2024 comments: Bob Vickers spoke to owner and he said that the tree came down in a storm two years ago. Several smaller trees surrounding it (possible root suckers?) have been registered. Former state champion.
2014 comments: The tree appears to be very healthy.

Top. R. Vickers, 2014. Bottom. Google Street View, 2021.

Location of Tree

Tree is located in: Fairfax

State Map

Land Owner: Paul Benfda

GPS Coordinates: 38.987542, -77.259388

Directions: The tree overlooks River Bend Road on the left side of the road, just over the first curve heading north from Georgetown Pike in Great Falls. It is opposite the entrance to 701 River Bend Road.

Owner Address: 670 River Bend Rd.

Great Falls, VA 22066

Owner Phone: 703-931-1557

Contact Information

Contact Name: Robert Vickers

Contact Email:

Contact Address: 312 Springvale Road

Great Falls, VA 22066

Contact Phone: 703-759-3280


Original Nominator(s): Robert Vickers

Additional Information

I.D. Fact Sheet

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