Tree Information
Common Name: European hornbeam
Scientific Name: Carpinus betulus
Native/Naturalized: Naturalized
Database ID: 1787
Status: alive
National Champion: no
Virginia Champion: yes
Circumference: 212 in.
Height: 59 ft.
Crown: 73 ft.
Points: 289
Date Last Measured: 2021
Last Measured by: Jared Manzo
Date First Measured: 2011
Comments: This tree is in good condition. Circumference was measured at 6 inches above ground line.
Two large hornbeams flank the slope at the front of Rosemont Manor. They were likely planted about 200 years ago when the home was constructed. Only one remains. Tree was thought to be an American hornbeam for many years and was crowned the national champion. State of Vermont contested the species identification and asked for a tissue sample. They determined it was European hornbeam. Located at historic Rosemont Manor. History of the estate is here.
Tree was previously measured at 209", 67', 78' and 296 points by Byron Carmean, Carrie Blair, Jeff Kirwan and Gary Williamson in 2011.

Location of Tree
Tree is located in: Clarke
Land Owner: William Genda
GPS Coordinates: 39.156847, -77.992763
Directions: Rosemont Manor, to the left as one exits front door of the Manor on the slope. (East corner of the mansion)
Owner Address: 16 Rosemont Manor Ln
Berryville, VA 22611
Owner Phone: 540-955-2834
Contact Information
Contact Name: William Genda
Contact Email:
Original Nominator(s): Byron Carmean, Carrie Blair, Jeff Kirwan, and Gary Williamson