Tree Information

Common Name: swamp chestnut oak

Scientific Name: Quercus michauxii

Native/Naturalized: Native to Virginia

Database ID: 192

Status: alive

National Champion: yes

Virginia Champion: yes

Circumference: 279 in.

Height: 127 ft.

Crown: 125 ft.

Points: 437

Date Last Measured: 2022

Last Measured by: Mik Lestyan, Susan French, Brian Crouch, Jeff Klidienst, Diane Lestyan

Date First Measured: 1990

Declared national champion in 2017 and recognized in 2019 as national co-champion, sharing title with tree in Indiana. In 2020 and 2021, it was sole national champion. Tree still appears healthy in 2022.

Tree was previously measured at 276", 123', 109' and 426 points by Mik Lestyan, Susan French & Byron Carmean in 2017.

Top. M Lestyan. Jan 2022 Bottom 3. M. Lestyan. Jan 2017

Location of Tree

Tree is located in: City of Virginia Beach

State Map

Land Owner: City of Virginia Beach

GPS Coordinates: 36.76613, -76.16798

Directions: Located at the Stumpy Lake Natural Area (a 1,400-acre city-owned property). North end of Stumpy Lake Golf Course, in wooded area approximately 200 ft. into woods, west of the 6th fairway.

Owner Address: 4797 Indian River Rd

Virginia Beach, VA 23464

Contact Information

Contact Name: Michael T. Moore

Contact Email:

Contact Address: 2289 Lynhaven Parkway

Virginia Beach, VA 23464

Contact Phone: 757-385-2080

Contact Info: Susan French, city arborist,, 757-385-4076 Another contact: Pat Dolan, Another contact: Mik Lestyan,


Original Nominator(s): Byron Carmean, Gary Williamson

Additional Information

I.D. Fact Sheet

Landowner Fact Sheet

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