Tree Information
Common Name: white oak
Scientific Name: Quercus alba
Native/Naturalized: Native to Virginia
Database ID: 197
Status: alive
National Champion: yes
Virginia Champion: yes
Circumference: 337 in.
Height: 86 ft.
Crown: 113 ft.
Points: 451
Date Last Measured: 2022
Last Measured by: Eric Wiseman and Moriah Moss
Date First Measured: 1978
2024 update: Recognized again as national champion.
2022 update: Tree is in poor structural condition and the canopy is very small for the size of the tree due to recent storm damage. However, the foliage is healthy and there are no indications of dieback or disease. One massive leader on the side nearest the house has broken out and is visibly hanging, caught on another leader, and suspended by a broken support cable. Another major leader has been lost within the last 3 years. When these limbs fell, they broke support cables in the tree. A small loblolly pine has fallen over and is leaning in the crown. Trunk appears to be completely hollow and extensive poison-ivy was present when measured. Trunk circumference was measured 4.5' from flat ground away from the heaving root plate.
This is one of the most well-known of Virginia's big trees. It was first nominated in 1978. It was the national champion white oak until a larger one was found in 2011, but it regained the national champion crown when remeasured in 2012. The tree is very healthy and is believed to be over 500 years old. Measurements by Landon Webb in 2012: circumference 331", height 90', crown 120', points 451.
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Location of Tree
Tree is located in: Brunswick
Land Owner: Paul Schneider
GPS Coordinates: 36.875945, -77.741628
Owner Email:
Directions: Tree is located in front yard of Bothwick Hall, a colonial era plantation house established in 1734. Property is gated and access is restricted.
Owner Address: 2788 Great Oak Road
Warfield, VA 23889
Owner Phone: 434-532-6890
Contact Information
Contact Name: Paul Schneider
Contact Email:
Contact Address: P.O. Box 112
Contact Phone: 434-532-6890
Original Nominator(s): Frank E. McKeever