Tree Information

Common Name: Chinese evergreen oak

Scientific Name: Quercus myrsinifolia

Native/Naturalized: Not Naturalized

Database ID: 2474

Status: dead

National Champion: no

Virginia Champion: no

Circumference: 125 in.

Height: 48 ft.

Crown: 40 ft.

Points: 183

Date Last Measured: 2016

Last Measured by: Neil Clark

Date First Measured: 2016

2024 comments: In Google Street View photo of June 2023, there is evidence that about 70 percent of the crown has died. Former state champion.
2016 comments: After the previous state champion was declared dead in October 2016, this tree was measured near it and is the new state champion.

Neil Clark 10/13/2016

Location of Tree

Tree is located in: City of Suffolk

State Map

Land Owner: Unknown

GPS Coordinates: 36.730347, -76.594403

Directions: Left front yard, clearly visible from street.

Owner Address: 620 W. Washington St.

Suffolk, VA 23434

Contact Information

Contact Name: Neil Clark

Contact Email:

Contact Info: House was for sale in 2016.


Original Nominator(s): Neil Clark

Additional Information

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