Tree Information

Common Name: Chinese catalpa

Scientific Name: Catalpa ovata

Native/Naturalized: Not Naturalized

Database ID: 2776

Status: alive

National Champion: no

Virginia Champion: no

Circumference: 64 in.

Height: 41 ft.

Crown: 28 ft.

Points: 112

Date Last Measured: 2020

Last Measured by: Virg Madden

Date First Measured: 2020

2020 comments: Has been growing unattended in a field. Planted in 1994. This 1 of a grouping of 4 similar trees.

V. Madden February 2020.

Location of Tree

Tree is located in: Albemarle

State Map

Land Owner: University of Virginia Foundation

GPS Coordinates: 37.96774, -78.47149

Owner Email:

Directions: Morven Farm. At the top of 'Walnut Field', area ME38. This is the tree closer to Bldg #206.

Owner Address: 791 Morven Dr.

Charlottesville, VA 22902

Owner Phone: 434-293-3978

Contact Information

Contact Name: Virg Madden

Contact Email:

Contact Info: Virg Madden/Landscape Gardener. Elton Oliver/Estate Manager.


Original Nominator(s): Virg Madden

Additional Information

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