Tree Information

Common Name: ivyleaf maple

Scientific Name: Acer cissifolium

Native/Naturalized: Not Naturalized

Database ID: 2817

Status: alive

National Champion: no

Virginia Champion: no

Circumference: 24 in.

Height: 16 ft.

Crown: 13 ft.

Points: 43

Date Last Measured: 2020

Last Measured by: Virg Madden

Date First Measured: 2020

2020 comments: Planted in 1994. Is located out in a 30 acre field with very little attention given over the years. Looks quite healthy. Trunk measured at 3.3' above ground due to low branches.

V. Madden February 2020

Location of Tree

Tree is located in: Albemarle

State Map

Land Owner: University of Virginia Foundation

GPS Coordinates: 37.96646, -78.46214

Owner Email:

Directions: Morven Farm. In area called "front field" along route 795, behind rock wall north of the old private gate. In ME13 in plant database mapping system.

Owner Address: 791 Morven Dr.

Charlottesville, VA 22902

Owner Phone: 434-293-3978

Contact Information

Contact Name: Virg Madden

Contact Email:

Contact Info: Virg Madden/Landscape Gardener. Elton Oliver/Estate Manager.


Original Nominator(s): Virg Madden

Additional Information

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