Tree Information
Common Name: Chinese fringe-flower
Scientific Name: Loropetalum chinense
Native/Naturalized: Not Naturalized
Database ID: 2836
Status: alive
National Champion: no
Virginia Champion: yes
Circumference: 11 in.
Height: 16 ft.
Crown: 26 ft.
Points: 34
Date Last Measured: 2020
Last Measured by: Ben Blankenship
Date First Measured: 2020
Comments: The tree is in excellent condition. It was planted around 2010. To be fair with other specimens in the register and because it is the most reasonable way to score this tree, trunk circumference was measured on largest stem at two feet above ground because the trunk split above that point. This growth pattern is typical of the species.

Location of Tree
Tree is located in: Powhatan
Land Owner: Louis Auxier and Jim Hunt
GPS Coordinates: 37.52023, -77.714826
Owner Email:
Directions: At owner's address. Located in side yard, near pool and deck. It is a couple feet away from the garage.
Owner Address: 16500 Dragonnade Trail
Midlothian, VA 23113
Contact Information
Contact Name: Ben Blankenship
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 804-245-5013
Original Nominator(s): Ben Blankenship
Additional Information