Tree Information
Common Name: Korean evodia
Scientific Name: Tetradium daniellii (syn. Evodia danielli)
Native/Naturalized: Not Naturalized
Database ID: 2853
Status: alive
National Champion: no
Virginia Champion: yes
Circumference: 80 in.
Height: 56 ft.
Crown: 33 ft.
Points: 144
Date Last Measured: 2020
Last Measured by: George Hahn and John Kell
Date First Measured: 2020
Comments: The tree looks healthy and is leafed out and blooming in July 2020. It branches into three leaders at a height of 6 feet, and one leader has a couple of dead branches. There are several Evodias in this grove of woods.

Location of Tree
Tree is located in: Montgomery
Land Owner: St. Michael Lutheran Church
GPS Coordinates: 37.210564, -80.466087
Owner Email:
Directions: 2308 Merrimac Road, Blacksburg VA 24060. In woods on south side of church. 200 feet from south side parking lot and 60 feet from south edge of playground.
Owner Address: 2308 Merrimac Road
Blacksburg, VA 24060
Owner Phone: 540-951-8951
Contact Information
Contact Name: John Kell
Contact Email:
Contact Address: 2229 Olinger Road
Blacksburg, VA 24060
Contact Phone: 540-552-3135
Contact Info: Measurer: First and last name* George Hahn Phone number 828-381-9873 Email address*
Original Nominator(s): John Kell