Tree Information

Common Name: Chinese tulip-poplar

Scientific Name: Liriodendron chinense

Native/Naturalized: Not Naturalized

Database ID: 2858

Status: alive

National Champion: no

Virginia Champion: no

Circumference: 62 in.

Height: 48 ft.

Crown: 36 ft.

Points: 119

Date Last Measured: 2020

Last Measured by: Jared Manzo

Date First Measured: 2020

Comments: In good condition. The arboretum inventory it is ID# 3153. The specimen has codominant stems forking low on the trunk. Circumference measured between fork and ground, 12 in. above ground, 76". Measurements of two stems at 4.5 ft. above ground (42 in. and 45 in.) used to compute composite circumference.

J. Manzo July 2020

Location of Tree

Tree is located in: Clarke

State Map

Land Owner: State Arboretum of Virginia

GPS Coordinates: 39.06102, -78.06506

Owner Email:

Directions: Located south of the quarters building in the magnolia section, not far off of a path that connects the native plant trail meadow and Wilkins Lane Loop Drive.

Owner Address: 400 Bland Farm Ln.

Boyce, VA 22620

Owner Phone: 540-837-1758

Contact Information

Contact Name: Jared Manzo

Contact Email:

Contact Address: 400 Blandy Farm Ln

Boyce, VA 22620

Contact Phone: 540-837-1758


Original Nominator(s): Jared Manzo, Chris Schmidt, Sabrina Hartley

Additional Information

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