Tree Information

Common Name: Farges catalpa

Scientific Name: Catalpa fargesii

Native/Naturalized: Not Naturalized

Database ID: 2898

Status: alive

National Champion: no

Virginia Champion: yes

Circumference: 96 in.

Height: 80 ft.

Crown: 36 ft.

Points: 185

Date Last Measured: 2021

Last Measured by: Jared Manzo

Date First Measured: 2021

2021 comments: The tree is in good condition.

Jared Manzo May 2021

Location of Tree

Tree is located in: Clarke

State Map

Land Owner: State Arboretum of Virginia

GPS Coordinates: 39.06347, -78.0613

Owner Email:

Directions: The tree is located in the arboretum's section of catalpas; not far off Wilkins Lane head east from the main parking area.

Owner Address: 400 Blandy Farm Ln

Boyce, VA 22663

Owner Phone: 540-837-1758

Contact Information

Contact Name: Jared Manzo

Contact Email:

Contact Address: 400 Blandy Farm Ln

Boyce, Va 22663

Contact Phone: 540-837-1758


Original Nominator(s): Jared Manzo

Additional Information

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