Tree Information

Common Name: swamp white oak

Scientific Name: Quercus bicolor

Native/Naturalized: Native to Virginia

Database ID: 2946

Status: alive

National Champion: no

Virginia Champion: yes

Circumference: 228 in.

Height: 85 ft.

Crown: 82 ft.

Points: 334

Date Last Measured: 2022

Last Measured by: Chip Jackson

Date First Measured: 2022

2022 comments: Tree is in good condition. Located in a park setting away from buildings and roads where it should be safe from harm. This tree was originally nominated in March 2014 by former NASA Langley employee Mary Gainer. It was not large enough at that time to gain entry into the big tree register. Due to attrition of top-ranked swamp white oaks in the register, and this tree's increasing size, the tree now scores high enough to merit registration. Current measurements for height and crown spread were estimated from photographic analysis and LiDAR scans by Eric Wiseman. Trunk measurement taken by Chip Jackson in May 2022.

The area occupied by the tree was home to the Cloverdale Plantation in the mid 18th-century. Some of this land was owned by the Wythe family. George Wythe is one of the individuals who signed the US Declaration of Independence. This website captures the history of the land and actually mentions the large trees: “The site of the Cloverdale Plantation house, now referred to as 'Colonial Grove,' serves as a recreational area comprised of a few large trees that remain survivors of the Colonial period. In 2003, during hurricane Isabel, several of the trees were uprooted and were consequently lost.”

More Photos

C. Jackson May 2022.

Location of Tree

Tree is located in: City of Hampton

State Map

Land Owner: NASA Langley Research Center

GPS Coordinates: 37.094001, -76.382

Directions: The tree is located near the recreation pavilion area. Access to this area is restricted. Visitation is generally prohibited and any re-measuring will be completed by or in coordination with NASA Langley.

Owner Address: 1 Nasa Dr

Hampton, VA 23666

Contact Information

Contact Name: Ande Remington

Contact Email:

Contact Phone: 757-864-8332


Original Nominator(s): Mary Gainer

Additional Information

I.D. Fact Sheet

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