Tree Information

Common Name: Florida maple

Scientific Name: Acer floridanum (syn. Acer barbatum)

Native/Naturalized: Native to Virginia

Database ID: 2989

Status: alive

National Champion: no

Virginia Champion: yes

Circumference: 202 in.

Height: 69 ft.

Crown: 80 ft.

Points: 291

Date Last Measured: 2022

Last Measured by: Byron Carmean, Dylan Kania, Gary Williamson

Date First Measured: 2022

Comments: This is a beautiful example of an open grown, old growth tree. The tree appears very healthy and was fruiting at the time of measurement.

D. Kania 7/31/2022

Location of Tree

Tree is located in: York

State Map

Land Owner: National Park Service

GPS Coordinates: 37.22301, -76.49544

Directions: Yorktown Battlefield, Colonial National Historical Park. Tree grows in a field near reconstructed battlefield earthworks and edge of wooded area. It is located behind the "First Siege" sign. Tree is protected by staff.

Owner Address: P.O. Box 210

Yorktown, VA 23690

Owner Phone: 757-898-3400

Contact Information

Contact Name: Byron Carmean

Contact Email:

Contact Phone: 757-934-0588


Original Nominator(s): Byron Carmean

Other Nominators: Dylan Kania, Gary Williamson

Additional Information

I.D. Fact Sheet

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