Tree Information
Common Name: red maple
Scientific Name: Acer rubrum var. rubrum
Native/Naturalized: Native to Virginia
Database ID: 3009
Status: alive
National Champion: no
Virginia Champion: yes
Circumference: 237 in.
Height: 99 ft.
Crown: 85 ft.
Points: 357
Date Last Measured: 2022
Last Measured by: Byron Carmean and Dylan Kania
Date First Measured: 2022
Comments: This tree appears reasonably healthy considering its apparent old age. The owner is aware of the tree and as a person that likes trees, will protect it. Each stem was measured at 5' above ground: 178", 157". These were used to calculate composite trunk circumference. Trunk circumference of fused trunk at smallest girth was 264" at 2' above ground.
D. Kania 2022Location of Tree
Tree is located in: Prince George
Land Owner: Tanju Sonuparlak
GPS Coordinates: 37.28958, -77.25155
Directions: Take Route 10 and Route 156 toward the City of Hopewell. The tree grows in the ravine upslope of the junction of Bailey Creek and the James River. Located near James River Drive.
Owner Address: 1700 Ruffin Rd.
Hopewell, VA 23860
Contact Information
Contact Name: Byron Carmean
Contact Email:
Contact Address: 3616 Labrador Lane
Suffolk, VA 23434
Contact Phone: 757-934-0588
Original Nominator(s): Byron Carmean
Other Nominators: Dylan Kania