Tree Information

Common Name: Mahaleb cherry

Scientific Name: Prunus mahaleb

Native/Naturalized: Naturalized

Database ID: 3150

Status: alive

National Champion: no

Virginia Champion: yes

Circumference: 41 in.

Height: 23 ft.

Crown: 29 ft.

Points: 71

Date Last Measured: 2023

Last Measured by: Byron Carmean, Gary Williamson, and Dylan Kania

Date First Measured: 2023

This tree appears healthy and sound. There was no fruit present at the time of measurement. Trunk circumference was measured at 6" above ground due to lower branching. This tree is the first of its species to be documented in big tree register.

D. Kania 07/23/2023

Location of Tree

Tree is located in: City of Richmond

State Map

Land Owner: Hollywood Cemetery

GPS Coordinates: 37.539469, -77.454536

Directions: About 50 ft east of Cedar Ave on the top of the hill, and about 200 ft ESE from the iron dog statue.

Owner Address: 400 S. Cherry St

Richmond, VA 23220

Contact Information

Contact Name: Byron Carmean

Contact Email:

Contact Phone: 757-934-0588


Original Nominator(s): Byron Carmean

Other Nominators: Dylan Kania and Gary Williamson

Additional Information

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