Tree Information

Common Name: trilobum red maple

Scientific Name: Acer rubrum var. trilobum

Native/Naturalized: Native to Virginia

Database ID: 3267

Status: alive

National Champion: no

Virginia Champion: yes

Circumference: 173 in.

Height: 87 ft.

Crown: 83 ft.

Points: 281

Date Last Measured: 2024

Last Measured by: Rick Brown, Alice Kopinitiz, Seig Kopinitz

Date First Measured: 2024

2024 comments: This tree is estimated to be 248 years old using the ISA non-destructive method of calculating the estimated age of a tree using the diameter X growth rate. It has internal voids but is otherwise healthy. It is cared for by the Colonial Williamsburg Arborist, Charles Gardener and his staff. Recently had dead limbs pruned and cables added to the canopy to stabilize the remaining limbs.
This tree was thought to be an Acer rubrum and was largely ignored in plain sight until Byron Carmean and Charles Gardener examined it more closely during a review of trees in the Historic Area and identified it as a Trilobum variant of the species.

Rick Brown. 7/16/2024

Location of Tree

Tree is located in: City of Williamsburg

State Map

Land Owner: Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

GPS Coordinates: 37.27129, -76.69122

Owner Email:

Directions: Tree is located in the lot directly behind the Isham Goddin Shop at 105 S. Waller St, in the east end of Colonial Williamsburg Historic Area. Isham Goddin Shop is located next to Christiana Campbell's tavern.

Owner Address: P.O.Box 1776

Williamsburg, VA 23187

Owner Phone: 855-771-3290

Contact Information

Contact Name: Charles Gardner

Contact Email:

Contact Address: P.O.Box 1776

Williamsburg, VA 23187

Contact Phone: 855-771-3290


Original Nominator(s): Charles Gardner and Byron Carmean

Additional Information

I.D. Fact Sheet

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