Tree Information

Common Name: common Chinafir

Scientific Name: Cunninghamia lanceolata

Native/Naturalized: Not Naturalized

Database ID: 540

Status: alive

National Champion: no

Virginia Champion: yes

Circumference: 193 in.

Height: 90 ft.

Crown: 60 ft.

Points: 298

Date Last Measured: 2019

Last Measured by: Jason Sprouls

Date First Measured: 2009

2019 Update: The trunk circumference was calculated by using a composite circumference of the four co-dominant leaders measured at 4.5' above ground. This tree is situated in a mulch bed near the Virginia Beach Municipal Center. There are small apartments which have been built since the tree was last measured in 2009, but the tree is still thriving and on un-restricted municipal land along a trail. The municipality has also installed a lightning protection system, which will help the tree thrive.

J. Sprouls July 2019

Location of Tree

Tree is located in: City of Virginia Beach

State Map

Land Owner: City of Virginia Beach

GPS Coordinates: 36.749332, -76.063103

Directions: Virginia Beach Municipal Center. The tree is on a public trail which connects West Neck Road and Brewer Arch. The tree is clearly visible behind townhomes along Brewer Arch.

Owner Address: 2508 Brewer Arch

Virginia Beach, VA 23456

Contact Information

Contact Name: Susan French

Contact Email:

Contact Phone: 757-385-4076

Contact Info: Susan French is the city arborist for Virginia Beach.


Original Nominator(s): Byron Carmean, Gary Williamson

Additional Information

I.D. Fact Sheet

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