Tree Information

Common Name: American chestnut

Scientific Name: Castanea dentata

Native/Naturalized: Native to Virginia

Database ID: 59

Status: alive

National Champion: no

Virginia Champion: yes

Circumference: 142 in.

Height: 56 ft.

Crown: 31 ft.

Points: 206

Date Last Measured: 2024

Last Measured by: John Peterson and Alex Adams

Date First Measured: 1972

2024 comments: Quite a bit of dieback and shed branches on this tree, but it is relatively healthy and growing. Protective fencing has been removed and competing vegetation has been cut back. Apparently it produces fruit, but seeds produced are not viable. Height measured to the tallest live branch. Trunk measured at 3.5' above ground due to swelling at 4.5'. Additional stem that was originally a sprout from the root crown has circumference of 53” at 4.5’ above ground.
2015 comments: Was visited and remeasured by Carl Absher, BJ Absher, and Eric Wiseman in March 2015. Measured at 142” trunk, 55’ height, 43’ crown, 208 total points. East side leader is about 90% dead, but has two live sprouts on it. About 40% dieback on west side leader. Height was measured with tape drop by BJ Absher. Trunk circumference measured at 40" above ground line. All measurements were of live branches.
2013 comments: Was visited by Certified Arborist Carl Absher in 2013: "I had the opportunity to visit it with Dr. Hebard last year and get a description of it. He has isolated blight from the trunk and major limbs but it still lives. None of its progeny have ever shown any resistance. It's just one of those anomalies that Mother Nature throws out sometimes so we know who is really running things." Largest specimen ever documented by VA Big Trees as of 2020.

Top images: John Peterson, 2024. Bottom image: Eric Wiseman, 2015.

Location of Tree

Tree is located in: Amherst

State Map

Land Owner: Judy Grindstaff

GPS Coordinates: 37.629463, -78.982260

Directions: Route 29 to route 610 to route 729 (Chestnut Lane); tree is located in pasture adjacent to the farmhouse (built in 1845).

Owner Address: 202 Chestnut Lane

Amherst, Virginia 24251

Owner Phone: (434) 665-3890

Contact Information

Contact Name: Judy Grindstaff

Contact Address: 202 Chestnut Lane

Amherst, Virginia 24251

Contact Phone: (434) 665-3890


Original Nominator(s): John G. Swift

Additional Information

I.D. Fact Sheet

Landowner Fact Sheet

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