Tree Information

Common Name: saucer magnolia

Scientific Name: Magnolia xsoulangeana

Native/Naturalized: Not Naturalized

Database ID: 750

Status: alive

National Champion: no

Virginia Champion: no

Circumference: 144 in.

Height: 41 ft.

Crown: 53 ft.

Points: 198

Date Last Measured: 2019

Last Measured by: Ben Blankenship

Date First Measured: 2006

Comments: A multi-trunk tree with indications of some rot on the inside where the four large limbs of the trunk separate.

2019 Update: Tree still appears fairly healthy, despite decay between the four major stems. Height was a few feet shorter because a more precise laser hypsometer was used in 2019. Trunk circumference was measured at 2.5 feet above ground due to the splitting of four large leaders.

Ben Blankenship January 2019

Location of Tree

Tree is located in: City of Richmond

State Map

Land Owner: Hollywood Cemetery

GPS Coordinates: 37.53407, -77.45773

Owner Email:

Directions: Hollywood Cemetery near intersection of Jeter Ave. and Monroe Ave. Next to the Angel monument.

Owner Address: 412 South Cherry St

Richmond, VA 23220

Contact Information

Contact Name: Eric Wiseman

Contact Email:


Original Nominator(s): Byron Carmean and Gary Williamson

Other Nominators: Jerry Wyatt, Christina Woodson, Tracy Brockwell, Kelli Armes, Ben Blankenship, Stuart Blankenship, Emma Blankenship

Additional Information

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