Tree Information

Common Name: common linden

Scientific Name: Tilia xeuropaea

Native/Naturalized: Not Naturalized

Database ID: 1901

Status: alive

National Champion: no

Virginia Champion: yes

Circumference: 180 in.

Height: 50 ft.

Crown: 67 ft.

Points: 247

Date Last Measured: 2017

Last Measured by: Stuart and Ben Blankenship

Date First Measured: 2012

Comments: Healthy. 2017: Tree is in good health! It has a few dead branches on the top but seems to be ok. It is a lot shorter in this measurement due to a likely error with the earlier measurement. Trunk girth was measured at three feet above ground line due to low branches. New state champion 8/12/2020.


Location of Tree

Tree is located in: City of Richmond

State Map

Land Owner: Maymont Foundation

GPS Coordinates: 37.53396, -77.47669

Directions: Outside wall behind Carriage House and is only a few feet away from a champion Persian Ironwood.

Owner Address: 1700 Hampton St

Richmond, VA 23220

Contact Information

Contact Name: Peggy Singlemann

Contact Email:

Contact Address: 1700 Hampton St

Richmond, VA 23220

Contact Info: Measured in 2012 by: Jerry Wyatt, Christina Woodson, Tracy Brockwell


Original Nominator(s): Jerry Wyatt

Other Nominators: Christina Woodson, Tracey Brockwel

Additional Information

I.D. Fact Sheet

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