How to Report a Big Tree

Discovered a big tree? Have updates on a champ? Submit info here.

The Virginia Big Tree Program has documented the state’s largest trees since 1970. Information about these trees is curated in the Virginia Big Tree Register, an online database open to the public. Our quest to document these trees would not be possible without the help of tree enthusiasts around the state. You too can help us discover and document these trees.

Currently the Virginia Big Tree Register accepts the same species as the National Big Tree Registry. Trees are ranked based on a scoring system that uses measurements of tree height, trunk circumference, and crown spread.For more details on eligibility requirements, scoring of trees, and ranking of trees, please visit this page.

Before nominating a tree, please search the register to determine if your tree is similar in size to the top-three specimens listed for its species. A new tree will be added to the register only if it ties or outscores one of the top-three specimens already registered for the species. A tie-breaking rule is applied to determine the third-place ranking. If you are unsure whether your tree might be a contender for the register, please email us before submitting your nomination.

To ensure that you collect the correct information for your tree, you may opt to print out this field data collection form and take it with you when you visit the tree.

We only accept nominations through our online reporting system. Before submitting a nomination, please ensure that you have the following:

  1. Information about the tree owner, tree location, and tree measurements
  2. At least two digital photographs of the tree to upload: (i) a close-up view of the trunk from ground level to chest height and (ii) a wide-angle view of as much of the tree’s height as possible
    **If the tree has an abnormal trunk near ground level (multiple stems, branches, or bulging), please also submit a photo of each side of the tree.**

A nomination of a tree on private property will not be entered into the register until permission to do so is obtained from the property owner. All nominations are subject to review and verification by the Virginia Big Tree Program. In submitting a nomination, you are affirming that you have provided complete and accurate information to the best of your ability.


To ensure that the Virginia Big Tree Register is accurate and up-to-date, we require existing trees to be recertified at least once every 10 years. The purpose of recertification is:

  1. Verify that the tree is still alive
  2. Document changes in its size and big tree score
  3. Identify any threats to its well-being
  4. Note any changes in tree ownership

We need your help to recertify trees. If you want to submit a recertification for a tree, please contact us first ( to confirm that recertification is needed. We may already have someone assigned to it.

To ensure that you collect the correct information for your tree, you may opt to print out this data collection form and take it with you when you visit the tree.

Before submitting a recertification using our online form, please ensure that you have the following:

  1. Information about the tree’s owner, location, and measurements
  2. At least two digital photographs of the tree to upload: (i) a close-up view of the trunk from ground level to chest height and (ii) a wide-angle view of as much of the tree’s height as possible
    **If the tree has an abnormal trunk near ground level (multiple stems, branches, or bulging), please also submit a photo of each side of the tree.**

All recertifications are subject to review and verification by the Virginia Big Tree Program. In submitting a recertification, you are affirming that you have provided complete and accurate information to the best of your ability.


To ensure that the Virginia Big Tree Register is accurate and up-to-date, we aim to document the death of big trees as quickly as possible. That way people are not disappointed if they go searching for a tree listed as alive in the register.

When reporting the death of a big tree, please note the location of the tree (city or county) and the current point score or database ID# of the tree. This will help us accurately flag the tree in the register.