Tree Information

Common Name: American elm

Scientific Name: Ulmus americana

Native/Naturalized: Native to Virginia

Database ID: 1096

Status: alive

National Champion: yes

Virginia Champion: yes

Circumference: 252 in.

Height: 110 ft.

Crown: 116 ft.

Points: 391

Date Last Measured: 2018

Last Measured by: Byron Carmean and Gary Williamson

Date First Measured: 2007

2024 comments: Tree is still thriving. It is receiving protection and care from City of Chesapeake Arborist.
2020 comments: Declared national co-champion in 2020 with a tree in Maryland.
2011 comments: Alex Darr measured in 2011 at 379 points.
2007 comments: Kirwan and Carmean measured in 2007 at 374 points. Hard copy record on file. Tree seems to be thriving. May be threatened if the adjacent commercial parcel gets redeveloped. Originally nominated circa 1980s, when it was a state co-champion. First measured at 209", 108', 105', 343 points.

More Photos

Eric Wiseman. May 2024.

Location of Tree

Tree is located in: City of Chesapeake

State Map

Land Owner: City Of Chesapeake School Board

GPS Coordinates: 36.74388, -76.34541

Directions: Located at 200 N. George Washington Hwy. at Deep Creek, VA, next to gas station and on the grounds of Deep Creek Secep Center (old school building. This tree is on unrestricted public property. Quite visible from the street. Very close to the property line of an adjacent commercial parcel.

Owner Address: 1021 Great Bridge Blvd

Chesapeake, VA 23320-6615

Contact Information

Contact Name: Byron Carmean

Contact Email:

Contact Address: 3616 Labrador Ln.

Suffolk, VA 23434

Contact Phone: 757-934-0588


Original Nominator(s): Richard Salzer

Additional Information

I.D. Fact Sheet

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