Tree Information

Common Name: willow oak

Scientific Name: Quercus phellos

Native/Naturalized: Native to Virginia

Database ID: 2663

Status: not top 3

National Champion: no

Virginia Champion: no

Circumference: 282 in.

Height: 98 ft.

Crown: 142 ft.

Points: 416

Date Last Measured: 2019

Last Measured by: Joe Reid and Paul Verbyla

Date First Measured: 2019

Comments: Tree appears to be in good health and has been well-maintained with an exceptional spread. Tree sits near the bank of the East River near historic Williams Wharf and believed to be contemporaneous with construction of the Riverlawn property, c. 1874.

M. Turner. April 2023.

Location of Tree

Tree is located in: Mathews

State Map

Land Owner: Joe and Carter Reid

GPS Coordinates: 37.409076, -76.341151

Owner Email:

Directions: Near this street address:134 Williamsdale Lane, Mathews VA 23109. Between the two lanes southeast of the main house.

Owner Address: Private

Owner Phone: Private

Contact Information

Contact Name: Joe Reid

Contact Email:


Original Nominator(s): Joe Reid

Additional Information

I.D. Fact Sheet

Landowner Fact Sheet

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