Search Results

You searched for "Virginia National Champions".
77 records were found for your search.
* = State Champ, ** = National Champ

Map results

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Common Name Latin Name City or County Total Points
Fraser fir ** Abies fraseri City of Harrisonburg 226
Florida maple ** Acer floridanum (syn. Acer barbatum) Southampton 277
boxelder ** Acer negundo Essex 307
striped maple ** Acer pensylvanicum Grayson 102
painted buckeye ** Aesculus sylvatica Sussex 123
Alleghany serviceberry ** Amelanchier laevis Smyth 194
water hickory ** Carya aquatica Southampton 319
bitternut hickory ** Carya cordiformis Russell 368
pecan ** Carya illinoinensis Isle of Wight 417
shellbark hickory ** Carya laciniosa Culpeper 327
red hickory ** Carya ovalis Caroline 278
mockernut hickory ** Carya tomentosa (syn. Carya alba) Caroline 334
sugarberry ** Celtis laevigata var. laevigata Caroline 325
dwarf hackberry ** Celtis pumila (syn. Celtis tenuifolia) City of Alexandria 121
dwarf hackberry ** Celtis pumila (syn. Celtis tenuifolia) Arlington 121
eastern redbud ** Cercis canadensis var. canadensis Fairfax 187
swamp dogwood ** Cornus foemina (syn. Cornus stricta) Isle of Wight 59
gray dogwood ** Cornus racemosa Grayson 39
pear hawthorn ** Crataegus calpodendron City of Alexandria 50
fanleaf hawthorn ** Crataegus flabellata Greene 72
parsley hawthorn ** Crataegus marshallii Clarke 55
parsley hawthorn ** Crataegus marshallii Southampton 53
Pennsylvania hawthorn ** Crataegus pennsylvanica Montgomery 63
dotted hawthorn ** Crataegus punctata Grayson 120
dotted hawthorn ** Crataegus punctata Grayson 118
littlehip hawthorn ** Crataegus spathulata Clarke 71
common persimmon ** Diospyros virginiana City of Suffolk 254
American beech ** Fagus grandifolia New Kent 360
Carolina buckthorn ** Frangula caroliniana (syn. Rhamnus caroliniana) New Kent 50
honeylocust ** Gleditsia triacanthos Botetourt 378
witch-hazel ** Hamamelis virginiana Russell 75
witch-hazel ** Hamamelis virginiana Smyth 73
mountain winterberry holly ** Ilex montana Giles 65
winterberry holly ** Ilex verticillata City of Chesapeake 44
Florida anisetree ** Illicium floridanum City of Williamsburg 34
black walnut ** Juglans nigra Westmoreland 364
tulip-poplar ** Liriodendron tulipifera Bedford 521
osage-orange ** Maclura pomifera Charlotte 416
Fraser magnolia ** Magnolia fraseri Carroll 225
southern magnolia ** Magnolia grandiflora Sussex 342
evergreen bayberry ** Morella caroliniensis (syn. Myrica caroliniensis) City of Newport News 24
evergreen bayberry ** Morella caroliniensis (syn. Myrica caroliniensis) City of Newport News 24
waxmyrtle ** Morella cerifera (syn. Myrica cerifera) City of Virginia Beach 80
water tupelo ** Nyssa aquatica Greensville 584
swamp black tupelo ** Nyssa biflora City of Chesapeake 322
sourwood ** Oxydendrum arboreum Amelia 216
swampbay ** Persea palustris City of Virginia Beach 204
red spruce ** Picea rubens Giles 263
pond pine ** Pinus serotina City of Virginia Beach 228
Virginia pine ** Pinus virginiana Fairfax 210
Carolina laurelcherry ** Prunus caroliniana City of Williamsburg 127
fire cherry ** Prunus pensylvanica Giles 104
black cherry ** Prunus serotina City of Norfolk 314
white oak ** Quercus alba Brunswick 451
Darlington oak ** Quercus hemisphaerica City of Richmond 378
laurel oak ** Quercus laurifolia City of Chesapeake 425
overcup oak ** Quercus lyrata Isle of Wight 464
swamp chestnut oak ** Quercus michauxii City of Virginia Beach 437
chinkapin oak ** Quercus muehlenbergii Rockingham 381
water oak ** Quercus nigra City of Suffolk 366
cherrybark oak ** Quercus pagoda City of Portsmouth 480
willow oak ** Quercus phellos Northampton 466
willow oak ** Quercus phellos Mathews 459
pussy willow ** Salix discolor Page 161
buckthorn bumelia ** Sideroxylon lycioides City of Norfolk 104
tough bumelia ** Sideroxylon tenax City of Williamsburg 38
American mountain-ash ** Sorbus americana Grayson 103
American bladdernut ** Staphylea trifolia Page 41
American snowbell ** Styrax americanus Isle of Wight 37
bigleaf snowbell ** Styrax grandifolius City of Suffolk 49
common sweetleaf ** Symplocos tinctoria City of Chesapeake 102
poison sumac ** Toxicodendron vernix Caroline 44
winged elm ** Ulmus alata City of Hopewell 296
American elm ** Ulmus americana City of Chesapeake 391
blackhaw ** Viburnum prunifolium Charlotte 128
blackhaw ** Viburnum prunifolium Albemarle 121
rusty blackhaw ** Viburnum rufidulum Westmoreland 106