Search Results
You searched for "Virginia Common Native Champions".99 records were found for your search.
* = State Champ, ** = National Champ
Map results
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Common Name | Latin Name | City or County | Total Points |
boxelder ** | Acer negundo | Essex | 307 |
boxelder * | Acer negundo | Fairfax | 299 |
striped maple ** | Acer pensylvanicum | Grayson | 102 |
silver maple * | Acer saccharinum | Fairfax | 412 |
silver maple * | Acer saccharinum | Bath | 404 |
sugar maple * | Acer saccharum | Giles | 292 |
yellow buckeye ** | Aesculus flava | Tazewell | 324 |
hazel alder * | Alnus serrulata | Northampton | 94 |
downy serviceberry * | Amelanchier arborea | Tazewell | 155 |
Devil's walking stick * | Aralia spinosa | Isle of Wight | 61 |
yellow birch * | Betula alleghaniensis | Giles | 237 |
sweet birch * | Betula lenta | Giles | 209 |
incense-cedar * | Calocedrus decurrens | Nelson | 322 |
American hornbeam * | Carpinus caroliniana | Loudoun | 187 |
bitternut hickory ** | Carya cordiformis | Brunswick | 335 |
American chestnut * | Castanea dentata | Amherst | 206 |
hackberry * | Celtis occidentalis | Fairfax | 337 |
hackberry * | Celtis occidentalis | Fairfax | 330 |
buttonbush * | Cephalanthus occidentalis | City of Hopewell | 39 |
eastern redbud ** | Cercis canadensis var. canadensis | Loudoun | 191 |
eastern redbud ** | Cercis canadensis var. canadensis | Fairfax | 187 |
Atlantic white-cedar * | Chamaecyparis thyoides | Loudoun | 199 |
flowering dogwood * | Cornus florida | Mecklenburg | 144 |
American hazel * | Corylus americana | Arlington | 39 |
pear hawthorn ** | Crataegus calpodendron | City of Alexandria | 50 |
fanleaf hawthorn ** | Crataegus flabellata | Greene | 72 |
parsley hawthorn ** | Crataegus marshallii | Southampton | 53 |
Washington hawthorn * | Crataegus phaenopyrum | City of Alexandria | 55 |
dotted hawthorn ** | Crataegus punctata | Grayson | 120 |
dotted hawthorn ** | Crataegus punctata | Grayson | 118 |
fleshy hawthorn * | Crataegus succulenta (syn. Crataegus bicknellii) | Tazewell | 59 |
green hawthorn ** | Crataegus viridis | Southampton | 120 |
common persimmon ** | Diospyros virginiana | City of Suffolk | 254 |
American beech ** | Fagus grandifolia | New Kent | 360 |
white ash * | Fraxinus americana | Wythe | 372 |
green ash * | Fraxinus pennsylvanica | City of Chesapeake | 334 |
honeylocust ** | Gleditsia triacanthos | Botetourt | 387 |
American holly * | Ilex opaca | City of Alexandria | 223 |
American holly * | Ilex opaca | Albemarle | 218 |
winterberry holly ** | Ilex verticillata | City of Chesapeake | 44 |
butternut * | Juglans cinerea | Loudoun | 304 |
black walnut ** | Juglans nigra | Westmoreland | 364 |
eastern redcedar * | Juniperus virginiana var. virginiana | Southampton | 297 |
eastern redcedar * | Juniperus virginiana var. virginiana | Isle of Wight | 289 |
eastern redcedar * | Juniperus virginiana var. virginiana | City of Suffolk | 289 |
Chinese privet * | Ligustrum sinense | Gloucester | 107 |
spicebush * | Lindera benzoin | Fairfax | 45 |
sweetgum * | Liquidambar styraciflua | Southampton | 366 |
tulip-poplar ** | Liriodendron tulipifera | City of Chesapeake | 522 |
Amur honeysuckle * | Lonicera maackii | Montgomery | 77 |
Morrow honeysuckle * | Lonicera morrowii | Fairfax | 125 |
cucumbertree * | Magnolia acuminata | Loudoun | 387 |
Fraser magnolia ** | Magnolia fraseri | Carroll | 225 |
waxmyrtle ** | Morella cerifera (syn. Myrica cerifera) | City of Suffolk | 81 |
water tupelo ** | Nyssa aquatica | Greensville | 584 |
blackgum * | Nyssa sylvatica | Fairfax | 307 |
hophornbeam * | Ostrya virginiana | Floyd | 144 |
hophornbeam * | Ostrya virginiana | City of Chesapeake | 140 |
sourwood ** | Oxydendrum arboreum | Amelia | 216 |
red spruce ** | Picea rubens | Giles | 262 |
pond pine ** | Pinus serotina | City of Virginia Beach | 228 |
eastern white pine * | Pinus strobus | Smyth | 337 |
loblolly pine ** | Pinus taeda | Northampton | 341 |
Virginia pine ** | Pinus virginiana | Arlington | 221 |
eastern cottonwood * | Populus deltoides ssp. deltoides | City of Williamsburg | 451 |
gray poplar * | Populus xcanescens | Floyd | 116 |
Chickasaw plum ** | Prunus angustifolia | Southampton | 66 |
black cherry * | Prunus serotina | City of Norfolk | 314 |
white oak ** | Quercus alba | Brunswick | 451 |
scarlet oak * | Quercus coccinea | Lee | 319 |
laurel oak ** | Quercus laurifolia | City of Chesapeake | 457 |
blackjack oak * | Quercus marilandica | Arlington | 226 |
swamp chestnut oak ** | Quercus michauxii | City of Virginia Beach | 437 |
water oak ** | Quercus nigra | City of Suffolk | 366 |
willow oak ** | Quercus phellos | Mathews | 469 |
willow oak ** | Quercus phellos | Northampton | 466 |
northern red oak * | Quercus rubra | Washington | 431 |
live oak * | Quercus virginiana | City of Norfolk | 378 |
live oak * | Quercus virginiana | City of Hampton | 368 |
great rhododendron ** | Rhododendron maximum | Grayson | 50 |
great rhododendron * | Rhododendron maximum | Smyth | 48 |
black locust * | Robinia pseudoacacia | Wythe | 267 |
black locust * | Robinia pseudoacacia | Fairfax | 260 |
black willow * | Salix nigra | Alleghany | 286 |
American elderberry * | Sambucus nigra ssp. canadensis (syn. Sambucus canadensis) | City of Alexandria | 33 |
sassafras * | Sassafras albidum | City of Suffolk | 250 |
American mountain-ash * | Sorbus americana | Giles | 114 |
American bladdernut * | Staphylea trifolia | Page | 41 |
American bladdernut * | Staphylea trifolia | Page | 38 |
common sweetleaf ** | Symplocos tinctoria | City of Chesapeake | 102 |
baldcypress * | Taxodium distichum | Southampton | 612 |
northern white-cedar * | Thuja occidentalis | Alleghany | 360 |
eastern hemlock * | Tsuga canadensis | Arlington | 299 |
winged elm ** | Ulmus alata | City of Hopewell | 296 |
American elm ** | Ulmus americana | City of Chesapeake | 391 |
American elm * | Ulmus americana | Fairfax | 381 |
slippery elm * | Ulmus rubra | City of Winchester | 374 |
sparkleberry * | Vaccinium arboreum | Southampton | 49 |
blackhaw ** | Viburnum prunifolium | Charlotte | 128 |